Standardization in the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
Standardization in the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
Standardization in the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
Standardization in the MoD of the Czech Republic
The priority task, which is ensured by the Department of Defence Standardization, is the security of the process of acceding to NATO standardization agreements (STANAG) and their introduction into the legal regulations of the Czech Republic, Czech technical standards, Czech Defence Standards (CDS) and into internal normative acts (internal regulations). This includes the preparation of the necessary national positions, including analyses and proposals for accession to individual STANAGs and Allied Standards (AS), managing the administration of STANAGs, ensuring their translations and the use of common military terminology and its alignment with the terminology used in NATO member states.
If the analysis of the requirements proves that the required issue is not contained in the international standards ISO, IEC, ITU, EN, ETS, legal regulations of the Czech Republic or Czech technical standards, a CDS can be created. The Department of Defence Standardization ensures the process of preparing, creating, approving, issuing, revising and updating the CDS, keeping their records and assigning them to the administration.
The Department of Defence Standardization cooperates with the relevant NATO bodies, entrusted with the management of standardization within NATO. In the Czech Republic, there is cooperation with the Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing, which pursuant to Act No. 22/1997 Coll. is responsible for the area of technical standardization, for the creation of Czech Technical Standards (CTS) and their harmonization with the standards of the European Union.
The basic governing documents of defence standardization are:
at the national level:
- Act No. 309/2000 Coll., on Defence Standardization, Cataloguing and State Verification of the Quality of Products and Services Intended to Ensure the Defence of the State and on the Amendment of the Trades Act, as amended by Acts No. 413/2005 Coll. and No. 250/2014 Coll.
- Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic dated November 27, 2000 No. 1194 on the Rules of the Comments Procedure on the Proposal to Accede to the NATO Standardization Agreement and the Method of Settlement of Comments, as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic dated December 19, 2016 No. 1167
at the Ministry of Defence level:
- Order of the Minister of Defence Ensuring defence standardization in the department of the Ministry of Defence No. 26/2004 of September 30, 2004, as amended by the 6th amendment of December 30, 2016
two overview documents are also maintained at the level of the Authority to support standardization management:
- Defence Standardization Plan for the Calendar Year with a View to the Following Years (Comprehensive overview of all tasks within the framework of defence standardization in the Czech Republic with deadlines to be met in the coming months and years, regularly updated).
- Expert Instruction for Defence Standardization - Allocation of NATO standardization agreements and Czech defence standards to the administration (Comprehensive overview of standardization documents with designation of responsibilities and other interrelationships within the framework of defence standardization in the Czech Republic, regularly updated).